Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunglasses and Who Should Wear Them

Ultimately, everyone should care about their vision and want to protect it. However, there are certain groups of individuals that should especially wear sunglasses. This is for their safety, and the safety of others.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunglasses Etiquette

You may have a favorite pair of sunglasses that goes great with a certain outfit. You might also have a tendency to wear a pair of sunglasses you just got religiously...for a week. Then you never pick them up again. Sunglasses do you no good on your dresser or in the visor of your car. It is important to wear

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Best Places to Find Sunglasses

Where can you find a pair of sunglasses to fit your eye wear needs? Sunglasses are absolutely everywhere! It is hard to walk into a retail store and not see a display of sunglasses. In fact, listing off the places that don't sell them might be faster. Hardware stores, emergency rooms and most car dealerships do not sell sunglasses.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunglasses are not Always Appropriate

As with virtually anything else in life, there is a time an place for sunglasses. Most would agree that the benefits of protective eye wear are tried and true. Still, there are times and places that your sunglasses are not appropriate. Additionally, there are also times and places that they're just not going to do you any good.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunglasses Strange Tales

Everyone loves a good pair of sunglasses. With all the benefits of sunglasses, it's hard to have an excuse not to wear them. You may even want to tell your friends about all the great things a pair of shades can do for you. You probably own one or two pair of standard issue Jackie-O's or Aviators, but wait until you find out

Monday, June 7, 2010

Marc Jacobs Sunglasses are Cool

Summer is upon us, and with it comes a wave of new styles. Perhaps the most fun about summer style is finding out which sunglasses will be hot this year. The key to the hippest styles usually has nothing to do with what is brand new. Most "new" style trends are simply spins off of formerly worn, beloved fads. This

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunglasses and Their Impact on Society

Roman Emperor Nero "made" the first sunglasses by watching gladiator competitions through polished light emerald green gems held up to his eyes. The true invention of sunglasses was somewhere between 1268 and 1289.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Famous Sunglasses Users

Who Made Sunglasses Popular?

We know by simply looking around that sunglasses are a pop culture phenomenon. Have you ever stopped to wonder how they became this way? Humans seem to have an obsession with sunglasses as more than protection for their eyes. Sunglasses make a statement about the face they're sitting on, and can add much

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Beyonce Diva Sunglasses and Others are Hot!

When it comes to fashion, sunglasses are "hot!" What can be hotter than George Clooney as Danny Ocean wearing designer sunglasses in the Oceans movies? Paris Hilton or the Olsen twins can be seen, just about anywhere in Hollywood, day or night, wearing the latest in designer sunglasses. When they walk the red

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunglasses and the Technology

You are probably fairly familiar with the basic science behind sunglasses. They filter out harmful light rays and protect your eyes from intense light. However, the technology behind sunglasses and creating new designs may have a few more tricks up its sleeves. Even in 2007, sunglasses are reaching new heights of science and

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Retro Sunglasses Are So Cool

When it comes to sunglasses, is retro the way to go? You are probably seeing a lot of different designs of shades these days, are they new? Truthfully, there are really no new designs, just redesigns of a formerly popular style. In the fashion world, retro designs are everywhere--and sunglasses are no exception.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunglasses and Their Benefits

There are many reasons to wear sunglasses, and everyone has one of their own. Whether it is to mask a hangover, create mystery or escape the paparazzi, sunglasses are a part of everyday life. However, often the true benefits of this popular accessory are lost when fashion or other purposes take over. It may not be your only reason, but your best reason for sunglasses should be to protect your eyes.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finding The Right Sunglasses

When choosing the sunglasses that best fit you, three factors should be considered. First and foremost, sunglasses are used to protect your eyes. A pair of sunglasses that offer no protection can actually be more harm than good. Secondly, your sunglasses should feel comfortable. Finally, you want to look good in your shades, so pick a pair with some consideration of style.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Different Sunglasses For Different Folks

Everyone should be familiar with the primary reason sunglasses are worn. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun, warding off long term effects of the sun's damage. However, what are some other reasons to wear sunglasses. Everyone has their own reasons, aside from the protection benefits, for wearing sunglasses.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Sunglasses Secrets

You've been told your entire life that sunglasses are important. You know that they protect your eyes, block out the sun's ray and prolong good vision. But have you ever wondered how these miracle shades do all of

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to Make Beautiful Sunglasses

Sunglasses are trendy fashion accessories that make you look and feel cool, but have you ever wondered how those cool shades are made? Sunglasses come in many styles, shapes, colors and brands. There are

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunglasses History

Sunglasses can be found around every corner you turn today. You can find them in grocery stores for a few dollars or in specialty stores for a few hundred dollars. Sunglasses come in so many different shapes, designs and colors that there is a pair out there for everyone. But the market for sunglasses has not always been this way.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fendi Shades Are Great Examples of Designers

When it comes to fashion, designer sunglasses are "hot!" Paris Hilton or the Olsen twins can be seen, just about anywhere in Hollywood, day or night, wearing the latest in designer sunglasses. When they walk the red

Monday, May 24, 2010

Discount Oakley Sunglasses Inspire Mirrors

It seems like every time you see a movie or TV show where police officers are involved, they seem to be wearing large sunglasses with mirrors on the outside.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunglasses and Their Long History

Sunglasses have a dark history, but a brilliant future. The history of sunglasses can be traced back to Roman Emperor Nero who watched the gladiator competitions through polished light emerald green gems held up to his eyes.

Discount Designer Sunglasses Are Cool

Any time of year, sunglasses should be a part of your daily heath-consciousness routine. Sunglasses are not just for summers on the beach anymore or just for looking cool and mysterious.